Lorenzo & Pierluigi Gallerini

Lorenzo and Pierluigi Gallerini have always been keen on minerals and hard stones, but since far away 1981, their attention has focused on what is called, among many different denominations, “Paesina Stone”.
Their passion leads them to study the areas where they may find suitable rough stones, then to choose which rocks might be hiding suggestive landscapes, to cut them with trepidation awaiting a new discovery and finally this passion accompanies them during in the long hours of manual labour necessary to work and polish the slabs of "Paesina Stone", using only ancient work techiques, in order to highlight the colours, nuances and designs.
They are also moved by the desire and the pride of helping to preserve, through their contribution, an exclusively Florentine tradition based on the knowledge, taste and skill in the working of "Paesina Stone", which since the year 1588 found in Florence its maximum expression with the foundation, by the "Medici's Family", of the "Opificio delle Pietre Dure".
The Gallerini brothers personally follow each phase of the process with the patience and the determination of those who are accomplishing a mission which is renewed each time a "Paesina Stone" reaches perfection.
Perhaps it's this “Aura” of loving devotion which envelopes these stones, together with the beauty and the uniqueness that nature has endowed them with, that makes them so highly valued and requested by museums and by the most important restorers and collectors in Italy and in all the world.